Sunday, August 18, 2013

What to do with my life?

So I am really not sure what I should do with my life. Most of my friends live in a town that is 5 hours away. i was working as a dental assistant but i hated it. i moved home where my boyfriend was but he moved to a town that was an hour. we needless to say we broke again. (thats a whole other story. we have a very long and confusing past). we tried to stay friends. i even got a job in that town and was driving everyday until i could get a place. well basically i got tired of being back and forth with him. i made the hardest decision of my life to quit my job and move on. so i am not so sure i want to do that. i would still do anything for him. i dont want to lose him as a friend but i cant do it anymore. i want to be happy again all the time. he doesnt treat me like his other friends. quite frankly he is a complete ass to me when he is around anyother friends. i know the answer is obvious on what i should do but  its so hard, i was with the guy over 2 years and i have know him for 4. i got offers to live with my friends for $200 a month but my cousin said i could live with her for free. but its far away from where my family is and i like being able to come home on my days off and see them. plus i have regretted my decision to quit my job and move everyday now because i know i am going to lose him forever. i just want him to realize that life isnt about drinking everyday you have off. its about being happy and caring for something. that i was always there for him even when he couldnt walk and all his other friends went off and did things without him. i sat with him for hours on end just so he wasnt alone. i made him food. i took him to doctor appointments.

i am just hoping that writing it out and maybe having other people read it will make me feel better and my choice easier.

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